Saturday, September 20, 2008


Magic Beans
Magic beans for sale
Two for a nickel
They'll grant you a fish, a candle, a pickle
Magic beans for sale
Four for a dime
Perhaps you've been wanting a thumbtack, a lime
Magic beans for sale
Seven for a quarter
They'd get you across the United States border
Magic beans for free
There's no use, alas
All they do is give you gas

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Another List

List of characters on Lost who have interesting real-life name sakes. *Most of this taken from wikipedia.

1) Kate Austen= Katherine Austen-(1629-ca.1683) was a British diarist and poet best known for Book M, her manuscript collection of meditations, journal entries, and verse.

2)Jack Shepard= there's a few. There's an illustratist named Jack Shepard and also a Jack Shepard running for senate in Minnesota. But there's also baseball player Jack Shepard. He was born on May 13, 1932, in Clovis, California. Shepard was 21 years old when he broke into the big leagues on June 19, 1953, with the Pittsburgh Pirates. He died in 1994.

3)Boone Carlyle= Thomas Boone Carlyle,philosopher, mathematician, and historian,Carlyle (1795-1881) celebrated the power of the individual. He believed that to understand history, all one needed to do was study great men. "The soul gives unity to what it looks at with love," he wrote.

4)Michael Dawson= Michael Dawson, one of the nation's leading experts on race and politics. Currently works at the University of Chicago. Wrote Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies and Behind the Mule: Race and Class in African-American Politics.

5)Mr. Eko= Eko is the Yoruba name for the city of Lagos (which is in Lagos State, the old Capital of Nigeria). His name is a symbol of the city. In Yoruba, Eko is symbolic of home, thus his name, Mr. Eko, resonates only with Nigerians who understand its true meaning.

6)James "Sawyer" Ford= James Ford was a mafia don in the 1800's around Illinois and Kentucky. He was considered an outlaw-fitting for Sawyer.

7)Walt Lloyd aka WAAAAAAAAAAAAALT= Walter Lloyd, wrote The Story of Protestant Dissent and English Unitarianism in 1899 in London.

8)John Locke= John Locke, (b. 1632, d. 1704), an Oxford scholar, medical researcher and physician, political operative, economist and idealogue for a revolutionary movement, a British Empiricist.

9) Jeremy Bentham aka John's alias when he's in the coffin= Jeremy Bentham, (1748 - 1832), English utilitarian philosopher and social reformer. In Bentham's theory, an action conforming to the principle of utility is right or at least not wrong; it ought to be done, or at least it is not the case that it ought not be done.

10) Charlie Pace- no name-sake, but there's a Web site for Driveshaft that's actually kind of cool.

11) Desmond David Hume= David Hume, (1711-1776), Scottish philosopher, economist, and historian. Also said that he “caused the scales to fall” from Jeremy Bentham's eyes. Interesting.

12)Danielle Rousseau French Lady= Rousseau, (1712-1778), was a major philosopher, literary figure, and composer of the Enlightenment whose political philosophy influenced the French Revolution and the development of liberal, conservative and socialist theory.

That's all for now.