Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Why do we have cemeteries? Why do we keep a stone and a casket full of bones in a field? It strikes me as a little contradictory. We-as in our culture- always talk about closure and moving on with our lives after loved ones die. And yet, we insist on keeping these memorials around, visiting them religiously and decorating them. It seems deductive to closure. And why do we decorate the graves? It's just stone afterall. We spend all this money getting the best, biggest and prettiest stone for someone who's never going to be able to appreciate it.
The whole thing is just another display of wealth and faux sympathy. We want to appear like we really cared for this person, but really we just want to show the other families that we cared more than they did because our stone is bigger. But you never see those people at the deceased's grave.
I found it ironic that the person who visited the grave across the street always went to this particular small, groddy, worn stone. I find myself hoping that the man wasn't apologizing for not being able to get "Ethel stonetoworntotell 1928-1989" a better, more flashy stone. Ethel knows you care, old man. Not because you were able to get a giant piece of granite, but because you still visit, after all these years.
Although, it depresses me that old man will never get closure because you're still there, bones in a time-capsule, name on a stone.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


My dad keeps bugging me to start looking for a boyfriend. And Ronnie thinks I'm gay because I'm just not interested. I'm not gay. I love penises. They're interesting looking. I just don't have the time. I'm a full time students,with a job-soon- and a family and chores. I barely have time to hang out with my friends, I sure as hell don't have time to worry about a clingy-college, immature, sex-driven BOY.
And it's not that I don't want a loving, caring male to cuddle with and tell me I'm pretty, I'm just very picky. And not just normal picky. I have A List. A long one. I can afford to be picky! Now when I'm 30ish and still not married, maybe I'll cross some things off. But right now? I'm looking for someone who can match ALL of my requirements.
And along with that pickyness, I also just don't feel like it. I have my list, I'm just to tired to go shopping. And right now, it'd be like going to the mall on a Saturday afternoon. Crowded, all the good stuff taken, only the inexperienced high school sales people to help. No, I want to go shopping on a Thursday morning. Great selection, not to crowded with the experienced cashier and all day to try stuff on and make sure it fits right.
These undergraduate boys, just don't have everything on my list.
Maybe I should start shopping in the graduate section.

Thursday, April 6, 2006

daddy's girl much?

I miss my dad. I'm glad he's coming back today. It's weird, I never saw my dad much growing up so I thought I'd be fine when he took this job-travelling some. But I guess seeing him constantly over these past 3 years has spoiled me. He's only been away for 4 days and I can't wait until he gets home.
His birthday is tomorrow! Yay Daddy!
I'm wearing his jacket right now. It fits oddly.
I feel like such a little girl.