Sunday, February 22, 2009

carry my books?

Can I be half-feminist?
Sure, I enjoy my voting rights and my somewhat equal job pay, but it's still OK for a guy to open a door for me, right? Carry my books? Hold the door open for me?

Feminism killed the Gentleman.


Miss M said...

This reminds me of a quote from "The Golden Girls." She's just been out with a guy who hasn't dated since before the feminist movement and after reading up on it, decides against his old fashioned nature and doesn't open doors for her or pay for dinner. She then tells him this after he confesses what he was doing...
Blanche: I don't want to be treated as your equal. I want to be treated better than you.

At the root of it, I think what you want is fair. You're not asking for anything crazy or out of the norm. Or maybe I'm just old fashioned in that way.

amber. said...

I think it's normal to want my cake and eat it too. :)
There's nothing wrong with old-fashionedness.

Zoλ Slade said...

is it possible that the equal rights movement didn't kill the gentleman but allowed the people that were assholes in the first place to do so more openly?