Sunday, December 2, 2007

Iris Jade is very thought inducing.

Funny, My grandma used to say "The Lord will never give you anything you can't handle."

I like to think that we have some say in what our plans are. Something like we have complete control over what we do and say-with no blame on anyone else. Like nothing is pre-determined unless we determine it. I like having that control over my life.
But then, it's always when those plans go awry that you find something you end up loving forever. Something you would have never even considered.
So...I don't know. Maybe there's this balance that God has created for us. Like he lets us have control, but if we start going in the wrong direction, he'll ruin our plans and show us what we really wanted to do.

I'm rambling and I really don't know. But I do know that what my grandma used to say gives me comfort in the whole thing: No matter what happens, you WILL be able to handle it.

1 comment:

Miss M said...

Once when I was 15 we had this debate over fate and free will. At the end of the day our class "decided" that there seemed to be some interconnection. So, I agree with the whole thing about how we choose certain things but will be lead in the right direction if they are wrong.