Tuesday, November 18, 2008

decisions, decisions.

After much deliberation, I have decided that Batman is indeed my favorite superhero.

Spiderman is whiny and was simply unlucky in how he became a superhero. Superman is an alien and The Hulk could stand to attend an anger management class or two.
Batman, however, has no actual superpowers. He's just badass and rich enough to impose that badassery on the criminal race. The same with Iron Man. No actual superpowers, just money, balls and a conscience.

I like Batman and Iron Man because they're human. They weren't blessed enough to be from another planet or dumb enough to get bitten by a spider. They have engineering talent and a wish to see the bad guys put away.
Human and relate-able.

I'm Batman


Miss M said...

I also think Batman has the most interesting romantic relationship out the the superhero lot. I like the dynamic between Catwoman and Batman/Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne.

Batman is indeed awesome.

Unknown said...

I like Batman too, but Iron Man just seems so much cooler to me. I do love the heroes who are just normal dudes who do it, just to do it. I think I like Tony Stark better, because he does have the 2 sides to his personality whereas Bruce Wayne isn't really anything, but Batman's daytime disguise. I've always been a much bigger fan of Iron Man though. Batman's cool, but Iron Man is cooler.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about him having NO powers. I think being super rich should count as a power. If you can afford an armored car, an underground lair, and a personal jet aircraft that has stealth capabilities and missiles, then you have a superpower. Especially if you have a nearly limitless supply of cash after the previous "investments."

I'm not saying he's not a good hero, but it seems to me that he has something at least as good as a super power.

@Robert: Same goes for Ironman.