Saturday, January 19, 2008

where would I go even if I could go home?

I'm starting to have mixed feelings about moving. Part of me is excited about starting over (again) and getting on with what is considered to be the 'adult life,' and going back home-or as close as I can get to it-I used to hold out hope that I could, but for me at least, it's true that you really can't go home again.
But the other part is nervous and maybe-even though this might be the only place I'd admit to it- scared about the same things. Just picking up and moving across the country isn't as easy as I remember it to be-even if I'm going back to a familiar landscape.
I've never been that fantastic about making friends, so when I find people who are willing to put with me, I kind of like to keep them. Those people have been few and I know from experience that it's a lot easier to keep friends when you can see them every day. I've lost contact with a lot of really awesome people simply because of distance and travel limitations. Even with the space the internet allows you cover within seconds, it's still very easy to simply not reply to messages and forget about people.

All I can really do is prepare for the life of the quintessential lonely journalist and hope that the good, old-fashioned midwestern hospitality is still in affect.


izzy said...

I know it can be rough when you move away from friends, but sometimes you have to sacrifice one part of your life for another. It's a matter of knowing, or thinking that you know, what you want out of your life at this moment and what you want for your future.

amber. said...

Always the voice of wisdom.
I'm know what I want out of my life and I know what I must do to get it. It just seems like it was much easier to keep in touch with people when I was younger.