Friday, July 14, 2006


So last Thursday I went to a club. A night club. With dancing. And a bar. A real club. The first one I've ever been too, as a patron. It was 'goth night'.
I only went because it was free since I was 21, and I was having an urge to socialize. These urges don't come often, so I figured I should act on it.
It was an interesting experience, but I don't think I'd go again.
1) Goth kids dance funny.
2) Some of them are kind of rude.
3) The ones that don't dance sit in a corner and mope.
4) It was incredibly smokey. The patrons were allowed to smoke inside the establishment and I wouldn't be suprised if I contracted some second hand smoke disease from spending a few hours there. So Erin and I went outside for a while to get some fresh air and people were smoking out there as well.
But we did meet a very nice gay boy-Ryan, I believe was his name. He gave Erin and I advice on how to get the nice pre-med and law students at UNM because, quote "Those goth boys don't have jobs or ambition."
The advice:
1)Get a cute pair of jeans
2)A lime green t-shirt
3)Some pointy shoes to wear with the jeans
4)A big purse
5)And white eyeshadow under the eyebrow.
Nice boy, that Ryan. I'm thinking of taking his advice and see if I can catch me a pre-doctor.

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